Saturday, October 31, 2009

First time to trick or treat!

This was Bailey's first time to go trick or treating.

So first we had a little lesson on how it is done.
Knock on the door & say "trick or treat!"

Say "thank you!" Then walk-crawl away.

So we went to a birthday party/ costume party last night. We were bikers if you couldn't tell. I was so excited because Blake dressed up (he is not a big fan of costumes)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ryan's Visit

My brother Ryan came to visit for a few days. Here are pictures of Bailey with her Uncle Ryan.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Benton Old Fashion Day

Bailey, Nana & I want to Benton's Old Fashion Day

Bailey was really to little to do most of the kid activities but we did get to ride the train.

On the way back to the car I saw this old door & thought it would be a great background for some
pictures of Bailey.

I think they turned out pretty good I will have to remember this spot.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Visit to Haughton

Blake had to work a trade show in Shreveport so Bailey & I tagged along to visit MawMaw & Papaw. We had a great time!

Bailey & I went shopping with GiGi at the boardwalk.

Bailey loved MawMaw's cooking she ate a whole biscuit & egg for breakfast!

Here is Bailey with her Great Great Grandma. She is so fortunate to have Grandparents, Great Grandparents & Great Great Grandparents.