Monday, August 31, 2009

New Rocking Horse!

Bailey got a rocking horse today from her Auntie Melany & Uncle Tim for her birthday . She is already having lots of fun & even taking her baby for a "ride."

(P.S. Yes she does the poop face at the end of the video. I forgot to tell her this was going on the internet for the world to see)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Into Everything!

Bailey is so busy these days! She loves to open & close the cabinet doors. Usually I have them "rigged" with rubber bands to keep her out. I forgot to put the rubber band back on this cabinet & she knows she is usually not allowed to play with it. She was so proud of herself for getting in, I let her have her moment & before I know it she has tossed things out of the cabinet & climbed in!

See how happy she is. When I got the camera she just smiled! Everything in her world is a fun toy!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How time flies!

I can not believe Bailey will be 1 in less than 3 weeks! She now weighs 16lbs. so she has tripled her birth weight (5lbs.)! Here are some pictures looking back & comparing her then & now...

We have really gotten our money's worth out of this "infant" car seat it is good until 22lbs so unless she gets to long we be using it for a while!

This is the same size pacifier. I didn't realize at the time how huge it was for her.

She is defiantly done with the bumbo.

It seems like she is learning something new every day now. It is so much fun to watch her grow & figure things out.